21 Dec 2011
With only one day left until break, it was time for Papa Noel (Santa Claus) to visit the school!
In Spain, Papa Noel (Santa Claus) isn't nearly as big a deal as he is in the United States. In fact, Christmas Day in general is not nearly as important as Reyes (Three Kings). Typically, children will get a smaller gift (like a stocking stuffer in the US) from Papa Noel, and on Three Kings Day, kids get their bigger present (like kids get from Santa in the US). Due to globalization, this trend is changing such that celebrating Papa Noel is more and more important.
Today, I went to the teacher's lounge during recess and was met with a flurry of activity as a few parents and the school's secretary and director were trying to get Papa Noel ready to visit the children.
The man who dressed up as Papa Noel was a perfect fit for the job! He truly embodies the merriness of Santa Claus, and he was great with the kids. He used to be a teacher at the school but retired within the last few years. Apparently, this is his 4th year as Santa's representative in the school! So he's almost a professional Santa!
Of course, Santa must have his elves! Two of my 6th grade students dressed up as his elves--complete with hats with big ears and rosy glitter cheeks!
Since I didn't have class, Papa Noel invited me to join him and his elves as they toured the school. We started in infantil (the 3-5 year olds). I expected that this would be where we got the best reactions from the kids since they are the ones that still believe.
Some of them didn't really know what to make of Santa. Others were super excited--shouting "Te quiero. I love you!" and "Estás muy guapo, Papa Noel. You're looking good, Santa." These kids know how to get in good with Santa Claus!
Unfortunately, there were a few kids that were terrified of Santa Claus. The minute that Santa entered the room they started to cry hysterically. Luckily, there were only a handful that cried, but it was still heartbreaking to see them so upset!
After infantil, we made our way over to the elementary school. Here, the kids were a little more suspicious--AND much more observant. A few kids wondered why Santa's elves were wearing tennis shoes. Others were shouting that they knew who the elves were.
Like the kids crying in infantil, this made me a little sad that there were so many that don't believe.
However, the excitement and joy on the faces of the kids who do believe more than made up for it!
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