23 May 2012
Some days, you just need to unwind after a difficult day. Today, I definitely needed some tapas therapy with my friends.
My day wasn't actually that trying until after school.
Every Wednesday, I head to a café near my school--mostly to have a little down time and to plan some lessons. There, I have my merienda (snack), and I chill out for an hour and a half watching a program called Sálvame. This show is a cross between a talk show like The View and Jerry Springer.
The show mostly focuses on celebrity news (they seem to have a particular fondness for the bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano; they haven't stopped discussing his son's relationship with a woman 15 years his senior) as well as the lives of the personalities on the show.
I have to confess that the first time I saw the show I thought it was pretty ridiculous--admittedly I still feel that way. However, it's become part of my Wednesday routine.
My troubles began after I left the café and was promptly run down by a 5-year-old on a bike. I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but this kid had either terrible steering or terrible sight because he just ran into me. Afterwards, I asked him if he was alright, he nodded, and biked away without a word or apology.
On the tram ride into the city center, I was reading a book and heard a noise that sounded like a gunshot. It turned out that someone had thrown a rock at the tram. It cracked a window, but thankfully the glass didn't break and no one was hurt.
I got home to my apartment and was ready to chill for the night. Unfortunately, I walked into the kitchen and found the typical mini-disaster that someone decided to leave for me to fix. Not everyone I live with is like this, but I do live with a couple of people who don't really know what to do when there is a problem so they pretend like it never happened. It's left to the rest of us to resolve these problems or call the landlady when it's a bigger problem.
While these may not seem like big problems, after a long day at work, I felt like I was hecho polvo (beat). Hanging out with my friends and going out for tapas (Spanish appetizers) seemed like the best way to make the most of a bad night!
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