Friday, October 21, 2011

The start of "fall"

19 Oct. 2011

It's finally starting to get a little chilly here, and I've noticed that everyone has suddenly switched to wearing winter clothing. I think the weather's beautiful, and I continue to wear what I've been wearing. I guess when it's as warm year-round as it is here, there has to be a moment in which you just decide it's time for winter clothing.

Today, I gave up my planning period to work with a 6th grade class. They have a test next week--so the teacher asked me to prepare something to help them practice the grammar. I decided that we should play "Two truths and a Lie." As the name suggests, students had to write three sentences answering the question, "What do you want to do?" Two of these sentences had to be true and one of them a lie. Then, they talk with a partner to discover the lie of their partner. Next, we had groups come to the front of the room to demonstrate. I asked the class about what we discovered about each group with questions like, "What does she want to do? What doesn't she want to do?" It was really good practice for them because they had to work with both affirmatives and negatives. With their partner they worked on first and second person (singular), and with the whole group, they got to practice third person singular.

 I've said more than once that I think that I have one of the best, most beautiful commutes. Today, I decided to take pictures to share what I get to see every day.

<--This is the Explanada--one of Alicante's most recognizable features.
 This is a view of the port. -->

The beach near my school!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the photos, Bobbi! I love that statue of the surfer. I have photos with Tony, Alberto & myself on the very steps that lead down to the water. I love that walk.

    Hope you are enjoying your week! Thanks for all of the posts that you are putting up. It is so interesting to hear about what you are doing in the school and about life in Alicante.
